Pomegranate Award for Musical Conservation, Creativity, and Coexistence


Innov Gnawa is a Grammy-nominated musical collective dedicated to exploring Morocco’s venerable Gnawa music tradition in the heart of New York City. Formed in the summer of 2014 by Moroccan expat Samir LanGus, the group draws on the considerable talents and expertise of Hassan Ben Jaafer, a Maâlem, or master Gnawanawa musician, originally from Fes, Morocco. Under the guidance of Ben Jaafer, Innov has delved deep into the roots and rituals of Gnawa music, and made a big splash in NYC, playing some of the city’s most prestigious rooms including Lincoln Center, Music Hall of Williamsburg, Brooklyn Bowl and the storied backroom of Brooklyn’s Barbès.

For the uninitiated, gnawa music is the ritual trance music of Morocco’s black communities, originally descended from slaves and soldiers once brought to Morocco from Northern Mali and Mauritania. Often called ‚“The Moroccan Blues,” Gnawa music has a raw, hypnotic power that’s fascinated outsiders as diverse as writer/composer Paul Bowles, jazz giant Randy Weston and rock god Jimi Hendrix. The music is utterly singular, played on an array of unique instruments —from the lute-like sintir that the Maâlem uses to call the tune, to the metal qarqaba (castinets) with which the kouyos (chorus) keep time and pound out clattering, hypnotic rhythms.

Hailed by Brooklyn Magazine as one of the “5 Bands You Need to Know in Brooklyn’s Arabic Music Scene,” Innov Gnawa make great use of this traditional repertoire, and add their own, contemporary spin with additional African and Latin percussion. Taken as a whole, this exciting new outfit works hard to fuse a centuries-old North African tradition with the pulse and attitude of New York City now.


- Maâlem Hassan Ben Jaafer (sintir, vocals) Fez, Morocco
- Samir LanGus (chorus, qraqeb) Agadir, Morocco
- Amino Belyamani (chorus, qraqeb) New York, NY
- Said Bourhana (chorus, qraqeb) Rabat, Morocco
- Nawfal Atiq (chorus, qraqeb) Rabat, Morocco
- Ahmed Jeriouda (chorus, qraqeb, cajon) Sale, Morocco
- David Lizmi (chorus, qraqeb) New York, NY

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