Ronit Elkabetz A"H Pomegranate Award for Rising Star


A filmmaker and anthropologist based in New York City, Margaux Fitoussi’s award-winning short film EL HARA (2017) was shown at the Atlanta International Film Festival, Mountain Film Festival, and New York Jewish Film Festival, as well as released online as a Jewish Film Institute Short of the Month. EL HARA was first screened as part of an exhibition Margaux curated about the Jewish neighborhood in Tunis, Tunisia, at Harvard University and Dar Ben Achour at Tunis. Two of her short films are in post-production: FLAVIO-SHIRÓ (2019) and I, TONY (2019). She is currently translating a text on Tunisian Ottoman history to be published by AUC Press later this year. From 2011–2013, as a Judith Lee Stronach Scholar, Margaux was based in Central Africa developing an early warning system in LRA-affected communities. Before beginning at Columbia University as a PhD student in anthropology, she studied at UC Berkeley and at Harvard University as a Presidential Scholar. Her research explores the cultural politics of “betrayal” and traces the history of unrest and discontent among the Tunisian Left since independence from France in 1956.

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