Pomegranate Award for Filmmaking


Shlomi Elkabetz is a ground-breaking Moroccan Screenwriter, Director, Producer, and Actor, who has made extraordinary contributions to Israeli and world cinema. In 2004, he co-wrote and co-directed To Take a Wife with his sister, actress Ronit Elkabetz, the first ASF Pomegranate Award recipient (2011). The film was awarded the Critics’ Prize and Audience Prize at the Venice Film Festival. They continued working together on the trilogy that also includes The Seven Days (2008) and Gett: The Trial of Vivan Amsalem (2014), which was nominated for a Golden Globe as Best International Film. Elkabetz made his acting debut in the HBO TV mini-series Our Boys (2019), as one of the leading roles. Ronit starred in all his films, including Cahiers Noirs [Black Notebooks] (2021), her final film before she tragically passed away. The film premiered at Cannes as an Official Selection and won an Ophir Award for Best Documentary. Elkabetz’s past recognitions include the Israel Ministry of Culture’s prestigious Landau Award and Variety’s Directors to Watch Award.

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