Pomegranate Award for Music


Yasmin Levy, the world-renowned Ladino music singer-songwriter, has earned widespread recognition for her deep spiritual singing and passionate vocal delivery. Levy’s parents both made significant contributions to Sephardic history and culture: her father, Yitzhak, was a cantor, editor of Aki Yerushalayim, and Director of Ladino Programming on Kol Yisrael Radio, and her mother, Kohava, was an early pioneer of Judeo-Spanish music in Israel. Winner of the International Song Writing Competition and Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Award for cross-cultural collaboration, Yasmin Levy has over 150 million combined YouTube views. Her eight critically acclaimed albums in Ladino, Spanish, and Hebrew, as well as tours have received high praise from top music critics worldwide, with performances at iconic venues like the Sydney Opera House and Carnegie Hall. Levy is a Goodwill Ambassador for Children of Peace.

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